What Can Fortnite, Twitch, & Ninja Teach the Church?
My seven-year-old son started to watch Fortnite videos on YouTube a few months ago. I didn’t know much about the game. I have an Xbox One, but use it hot and cold. A few things about Fortnite caught my attention.
It's Simply Decentralizing Your Strategy
Doing ministry online or commonly labeled #churchonline is merely decentralizing your church’s strategy. It’s that simple.
Virtual Reality for Any Church of Any Size - Facebook Video Oculus App
Oculus has recently made two additions to its Oculus Go device. I wrote in a previous post that an estimated 22 million virtual reality devices are floating out there in the world at the start of 2018. Oculus Go is expanding this market and most importantly bringing in non-gamers. Oculus Go focused on content apps like Netflix, Showtime, Hulu, Facebook, and family-friendly carnival games. Oculus Go is not what virtual reality will be, but its the stopgap to help move virtual reality into the future.
Exit Interview with an Online Pastor
I grew up watching the Lakers with my grandpa, and at the end of every season, they had something called exit interviews. No matter how good or bad the year went you sat down in front of cameras and got asked a series of questions about the season. It was always a frank conversation.
Aftershow Style Event Helpful in Building Community
I bet struggling with having face time sounds irrelevant coming from an online pastor, but I still highly value this type of connection. What kind of event works best to build in more face time with our community while not competing with existing programs at our church?
Church Online: Turning Live Streamers into Disciples
Technology is changing the way people are attending church—plain and simple. Discover the possibilities (and limitations) of church online by watching this talk I gave recently at an event hosted by Pushpay.