$2k FB Ad Campaign from Easter... Well Spent?
I wanted to get a review on how I spent the dollars because little judgment sometimes it's so bad. The smartest guy I know when it comes to Facebook Ads is Chad Hugghins.
Elevation Church's Different Approach to Church Online
The most natural thing is to do the same thing forever. Evolving is scary. I get inspired by talking with people in my same field but doing things a bit different. These types of conversations lead to positive microevolution in my ministry.
Virtual Reality's Place in the Plan
Technology has always and will always be a tool. Even the extreme haters get this point in practice. Technology is not the means to the end. It’s not the thing that replaces all things.
Engagement is an Ambiguous Term
I was reading this interview from Stratechery with Facebook’s Vice-President Adam Mosseri. He was asked a question about engagement, and I thought the response was interesting.
How Concordia Lutheran Church Does Online Church
I interviewed the Online Pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church about how they leverage online ministry in their context. I ask TJ Winters a series of questions about online minstry.
Creating an Innovative Culture
Amazon just opened a cashier-less store in Seattle. Crazy right? Will the store work? What does this mean for working jobs? So many questions and Amazon doesn’t have all the answers yet, but they do have this store.