Are Online Small Groups Possible & What Do Online Groups Look Like?

I was featured on "The Groups Matter Podcast" a while back talking about online small groups with Steve Gladen, my boss, the small group guru for churches. In the episode, we talk about how Saddleback Church leverages the controversial practice of online small groups. Steve and I discuss how increasing globalization has led to the opportunity to contact and engage with thousands of people through an online platform. I share how establishing contact with individuals who perhaps feel more comfortable meeting Jesus and the gospel online can lead them to eventually begin meeting regularly with a physical small group in their area and how clusters of these small groups in localized places can even eventually lead to a new church plant. Steve and I also offer some practical advice and inexpensive resources for groups pastors who are considering trying out online small groups in their church.

Jay Kranda

Jay Kranda is the Online Campus Pastor at Saddleback Church. Oversees an online community with online and homes groups around the globe. Helps a few organizations with online to offline strategy focusing on deep engagement. Part owner of TVapp.CHURCH which helps get ministries on cord cutting platforms. Addicted to NBA basketball and cold brew coffee. Married to Jody for nine years and have 2 boys and 1 girl.

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