Beyond Just Streaming

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Think 3 Not 1

You’re trained from seminary to the cemetery to preach to the bodies in the building. After the service is over and lunch in the belly the message has faded into the distance, but the internet has the changed the game. Unfortunately, seminaries haven’t adjusted yet. You no longer have one intended audience, but three audiences.

  • 1st Audience - People attending in-person at your church.

  • 2nd Audience - People watching live on Facebook or on your church’s custom streaming page.

  • 3rd Audience -  People listening or watching days, weeks, months, or years later on YouTube, Podcast download, or church archive page.

You want to make sure all three audiences can take their next step spiritually. It shouldn’t matter how they are digesting the content, but how you can help them get more engaged at your church. Next step forms, clear call to actions at the end of videos and podcasts, and links in descriptions can all help lead people back to your building. 

Start thinking of three audiences instead of one audience in your prep!