The Logic of #ChurchOnline

  1. God is everywhere

  2. The church is people who follow the God-man Jesus

  3. Wherever a follower of Jesus is so is the church

The Bible supports 1, 2, & 3. You can hold to the best expression argument of #ChurchOnline, but you can't discredit what is possible. Yes, gathering in-person as a large gathering is ideal, but not everyone in the world can do this type of church. The thief on the cross is just as much saved as Paul. Just because it was a minimal expression doesn't make it not theologically sound.

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Jay Kranda

Jay Kranda is the Online Campus Pastor at Saddleback Church. Oversees an online community with online and homes groups around the globe. Helps a few organizations with online to offline strategy focusing on deep engagement. Part owner of TVapp.CHURCH which helps get ministries on cord cutting platforms. Addicted to NBA basketball and cold brew coffee. Married to Jody for nine years and have 2 boys and 1 girl.

Digital Ecclesiology Round Table Hosted by Aqueduct Project


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