Beyond Just Streaming

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Alpha Omega Digital Tool To Help Your Church

I believe digital is something to wield wisely. We have to integrate digital and any technology strategically. It's not about doing the cool thing to get more views but leveraging the thing that will help accomplish your objective as a church or ministry. So many want to just stream their worship service, do something on YouTube, and post something on whatever social platform is relevant as you're reading this post. Those things aren't wrong, but you could be missing the larger point. How can digital or technology help you accomplish your goals?

I created a tool to help flush out this idea of leveraging digital beyond just the surface-level opportunities. I call it the Alpha Omega Tool.

The idea behind the tool is to help your organization think more about using digital and any technology at all levels of the organization. Getting every team member, staff or volunteer, to think of using digital to accomplish their objectives.

First, the y-axis is from 1 to 100 percent healthy digital integration. Healthy digital integration doesn't mean any in-person expression of a program or ministry isn't happening. You can have 100% healthy digital integration with very little digital happening. The idea is digital is considered and correctly integrated into that specific area of ministry.

Second, on the x-axis are the areas of ministry. I have given you six slots to put in your key six areas of ministry. I did insert some typical examples for churches, but insert your ministry key areas of ministry. Of course, you can do more, but I want to start at a high level and slowly expand to other areas.

Third, with your pen, pencil, or drawing on your device, start at the lower lefthand corner where the A (Alpha) is, and without lifting your pen, go to the upper right-hand corner where the O (Omega) is located. As you drag forward, correctly evaluate how digital is integrated into these six areas of ministry.

What do you see? Does it look like an EKG? Do you flatline as a church or ministry?

The idea behind this Alpha Omega Tool is to show you how to think beyond the weekend streaming of your worship service and social media posts and figure out how to leverage digital into the deeper areas of your organization. I think digital and technology is an opportunity we get to leverage, but most need to be using it correctly. I do believe we can integrate digital. It may feel like it's not possible, but by taking small steps towards our goals, the fog will clear, and the pathway will become more clear.

Next Steps

  • Whatever area of ministry is the lowest integrated is an area you need to figure out in the next couple of months. Assign someone to own it and make a plan. You aren't trying to get 100 percent integrated in the next few weeks, but you are just bumping the number up by 10 percent. Small increases over the next few months will teach your organization about what healthy digital integration looks like for your church or ministry.  You aren't trying to run a marathon but trying to walk around the block. Small integrations at first, then taking bigger swings once those muscles are stronger. 

  • To learn more about this tool and more, check out my book Online Church Is Not The Answer: Beyond Just Streaming Church to Hybrid Disciple Making. I even sell some team bundles on my website to go through this resource as an entire staff/volunteer team.