YouTube Growth In December 2024 Is Crazy


I’m not saying these stats aren’t accurate, but they surprise me.

A recent article, “YouTube Is Eating TV Alive: The Platform’s Takeover of the Living Room,” unpacks some recent Nielsen data around YouTube activity at the end of 2024. Three points that stood out from the report:

  1. More people watch YouTube on TV than on mobile/desktops.

    • I mainly watch YouTube on my TVs, but I wouldn't think this to be true just by thinking how many mobile devices there are compared to how many TVs there are in America. TV is a better YouTube experience overall, but I find it surprising.

  2. YouTube beat out all other streaming providers of TV viewing in the U.S.

    • YouTube had 11.1%

    • Netflix had 8.5%

    • Prime Video had 4%

    • Hulu had 2.5%

    • Disney+ had 2.1%

  3. 40% of growth is translated content using AI.

    • My church does some translation work, and we still pay for human translation. I often hear that human translation is better, which is true, but to see how widely adopted AI translation is used on YouTube shows that many people would rather have 85% quality over having no option at all. The AI quality is good enough now. Using AI for translation is an underrated feature in the coming years/decades.

    • I just saw this tweet about Wycliffe Bible Translators using AI to speed up translation work a few days ago.

Jay Kranda

Jay Kranda is the Online Campus Pastor at Saddleback Church. Oversees an online community with online and homes groups around the globe. Helps a few organizations with online to offline strategy focusing on deep engagement. Part owner of TVapp.CHURCH which helps get ministries on cord cutting platforms. Addicted to NBA basketball and cold brew coffee. Married to Jody for nine years and have 2 boys and 1 girl.

Talking AI on The Digital Ministry Podcast


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