Who is Driving Your Bus Online?
Your vision of your online church needs to be dependent on your local church. They are linked, and the more they're unlinked, the more likely it won't work. You are not driving the bus of your church's vision. Alignment will build trust, which down the road will allow you to try more things.
Three Approaches for a Healthy Online Church
I do want to back up to a 30,000-foot view. There are three approaches for online church or expressing your church’s paradigm using the internet. Your church should consider all three strategies when making decisions from investing in a social media presence or why to launch a stream on Facebook. It all needs to connect to your church’s goals, and high-level conversations with leadership need to happen for success to clearly be defined.
The Tech (CRM) Your Church Needs to Figure Out This Year!
Your church needs to dial your CRM. Yes, I’m talking about Customer Relationship Management software. I explore two reasons why a killer CRM is essential for 2020 and moving forward. It’s going to be the foundation of everything in the years to come.
Gaming, Online Groups, and Your Church's Action Step
Your church can launch online small groups this year! Games like Fortnite and others have skyrocketed in popularity, but this trend existed with early versions of Halo on Xbox. The thing is online gaming today is a global community activity, and your church should learn from this trend. Gaming is popular because it's done with others (hint, hint FELLOWSHIP). I'll recommend a simple action step to get your online small group offering off the ground at the end.