Three Approaches for a Healthy Online Church
I do want to back up to a 30,000-foot view. There are three approaches for online church or expressing your church’s paradigm using the internet. Your church should consider all three strategies when making decisions from investing in a social media presence or why to launch a stream on Facebook. It all needs to connect to your church’s goals, and high-level conversations with leadership need to happen for success to clearly be defined.
The Tech (CRM) Your Church Needs to Figure Out This Year!
Your church needs to dial your CRM. Yes, I’m talking about Customer Relationship Management software. I explore two reasons why a killer CRM is essential for 2020 and moving forward. It’s going to be the foundation of everything in the years to come.
The Logic of #ChurchOnline
God is everywhere. The church is people who follow the God-man Jesus. Wherever a follower of Jesus is so is the church. The Bible supports 1, 2, & 3. You can hold to the best expression argument of #ChurchOnline, but you can't discredit what is possible.
Newly Updated Video Course: Healthy Online Ministry for Your Church
I’ve approached this video course on #churchonline in four parts as if we are building a house together. I want your online ministry to be something beyond streaming content online, but a healthy expression of your church.
Perfect Podcast to Send to Your Pastor to Embrace #ChurchOnline
Navigating the complicated waters of the digital disruption is tough. I’m an online pastor. My perspective is muddied because I want to jump into the deep end without a lifejacket. I want everything to be online, and I wanted it yesterday.